Victoria Falls Safari Lodge Opens Siduli Hide


To enable its guests to enjoy even closer contact with wildlife, the Victoria Falls Safari Lodge has constructed a viewing Hide just five metres away from its natural waterhole.

Located only 100 metres in front of the Lodge, the waterhole is the focal point of the resort and enjoys regular visits from a wide variety of wildlife including elephants, herds of up to 200 buffalo, many kind of antelope, lions, hyenas, warthogs, banded mongoose and baboons. The waterhole also attracts numerous species of bird life.

Now guests can really get up close and personal with these animals during guided ‘sits’ at the aptly named Siduli Hide. (Siduli means anthill in Ndebele and the Hide has been built to resemble a natural anthill). Holding a maximum of five people, including the Guide, the Hide is south facing and downwind of the animals. The Lodge’s resident professional Guides are always on hand to escort guests to the Hide for two-hour sundowner sits.

A unique experience in Victoria Falls, guests have been treated to incredible sightings of game kills as well as unusual animal behaviour and activity.

The Siduli Hide is part of the Victoria Fall Safari Lodge’s ambitious product enhancement plan – which this year alone has seen the inclusion of a new Safari Spa and Nature Centre as well as substantial upgrades to its conference rooms and ongoing upgrades and refurbishment of guest rooms and public areas.

The Safari Lodge’s outstanding contribution to Zimbabwean tourism has been recognised with numerous awards and accolades. It has been voted Zimbabwe’s ‘Best Safari Lodge’ for six consecutive years by the Association of Zimbabwe Travel Agents and won the Green Globe Distinction Award for Outstanding Environmental Performance, presented at I.T.B. 2000

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