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Explore Kahuzi Biega National Park of DR Congo

Kahuzi Biega Gorillas

When it comes to safaris in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), most people are left to think that it is gorilla trekking in the Virunga National Park but the latter isn’t true as there is a lot more for you to explore. For any plans to pay a visit to DRC for safari, Kahuzi Biega National Park is that one most exceptional safari destinations you need to think of exploring.

This park remains a few hidden treasures not only in DR Congo but also in Africa and yet it boasts of its unique creatures. It was founded in 1970 and covers an area of about 6000 square kilometers. It is located on the eastern side of DR Congo just within Bukavu town. Its vegetation ranges from marshland, tropical rain forests, riparian while its flora and fauna are equally diverse. The following are some of the attractions and exciting activities for you to enjoy while on safari in Kahuzi Biega National Park;

Eastern Lowland Gorilla Trekking

In addition to trekking to see mountain gorillas while on safari in DR Congo, don’t miss being part of the eastern lowland gorilla trekking experiences in Kahuzi Biega National Park. This park offers refuge to the largest number of these particular gorilla species worldwide making it the only destination to see Eastern lowland gorillas in Africa.

While on a gorilla safari in Congo, you will have a chance to track one of the six habituated gorilla families within the park. Treks to see these great apes may take you about 1 to 6 hours depending on their location, your hiking speed, and other factors.

Hikes are done daily within the park and offer an opportunity for you to explore more about their behaviors, body gestures, and a chance to take pictures. Equally, eastern lowland gorilla trekking allows you only an hour to have a magical encounter with these unique primate species.

Volcano hiking

When you think of safaris in Kahuzi Biega National Park expect more than viewing the eastern lowland gorillas. This park is also ideal for hiking adventures which are conducted in its 2 spectacular volcanoes. The two extinct volcanoes to explore while on safari in this park include Mount Kahuzi which is the highest with an altitude of 3308 meters and Biega at 2790 meters. While on a hike through these volcanoes, you also have a chance to explore its rare vegetation which comprises bamboo and subalpine vegetation that also inhabit several wildlife species, and most importantly, you will have the opportunity to sight the owl-faced monkeys and not forget most bird species.

Bird watching

If you love birding then a visit to Kahuzi Biega National Park should be a must while you are on safari in DR Congo. This park hosts about 342 varied bird species 42 of these are endemic to this park. While on birding safari in Kahuzi Biega National Park, expect to spot out birds like the African green broadbill, Congo peafowl, Rockefeller’s, yellow-crested helmet shrike a mention but a few.

Nature walks

For nature lovers, this park is also perfect for you to explore while on a nature walk. It is this remarkable experience that allows you to explore this park in depth. It takes you through the trails to the tropical rainforest to varied tourist sites. They lead you to sites like Tshibiti waterfalls to 3 waterfalls within the park. You will be accompanied by an experienced park guide and while on a nature walk, you also have a chance to explore the park’s varied vegetation and wildlife including bird species.

Tshibiti waterfall trail takes you through a well-marked path and gets you close to two Rivers and hence offering you stunning views of the waterfalls. This trail features many steps which take you to and back the waterfalls. As well, you can pay a visit to Lwiro Chimpanzee Sanctuary which is situated about 50 kilometers in Bukavu south of Lake Kivu and 10 kilometers away from Kahuzi Biega National Park. This sanctuary hosts mainly the orphaned primates including chimpanzees, baboons, and many monkeys.

In conclusion, when you think of going off the beaten path, visiting Kahuzi Biega National Park should be a must. In this amazing park, you will come to see some of the last remaining population of the Eastern gorilla species, one of the threatened species  A visit to this stunning park rewards travel endeavors with lifetime safari experiences that are not only memorable but also highly adventurous.

Are Backpackers the Most Eco friendly Travelers?

Backpacking Peru

Who are the most Eco friendly travellers? That is the question?
With the Eco tourism industry dominated by luxury lodges and expensive 5 star Eco hotels it’s easy to think that luxury travellers are the most Eco friendly travellers. After all they have the budget to fork out the generally higher cost of Eco friendly travel products.

But despite this it is in fact Backpackers who are the most Eco friendly travellers…Here’s why:

Backpackers are cheapskates!

So I’ve just gone on about how luxury travellers can afford to fork out the higher price for Eco products so why is it that the cheapskate habits of backpackers make them so Eco friendly? It all comes down to transport!
Transport contributes the most emissions to your travel’s carbon footprint by far.  And with aviation accounting for 2% of the world’s total emissions this is not surprising.
But backpackers don’t have bottomless bank accounts to spend flying here there and everywhere, instead backpackers take the cheap option, the long option, the more Eco friendly option.

That 20 hour train ride that has backpackers smelling like they’ve just come from a farm by the end of the trip and that 10 hour bus ride that has backpacker’s running in search of a massage by the end emit only a fraction of the emissions of flying that same distance!

Additionally you won’t see backpackers being chauffeured around town in a private cars. Oh no, they will be packed in, sweating their butts off with the locals on the bus or metro.
Just using public transport instead of private vehicles can significantly reduce your individual carbon footprint!

Backpackers travel with…well…Backpacks!

Backpacks are not the most comfortable things to carry, in fact they can be a down right pain in the…back.  Which is exactly the reason why Backpackers don’t want to carry too much in fear of having to dish out a ridiculous amount of money to pay a chiropractor when they finish their trip.

It is for this reason that Backpackers tend not to go mental with the shopping and buy load of cheap things that don’t even fit in their backpack (causing them to buy a second bag). So how does this make backpackers more Eco-friendly?

A huge contributor to global emissions is from industry.  All those factories manufacturing knockoff handbags and tacky souvenir are pumping toxic gases into our atmosphere.

Beyond the manufacturing process every tacky, likely to break piece of merchandise has to be transported most likely from a factory in China to the souvenir shop shelves. This contributes a load of carbon emissions!

And what do you do once you’ve bought it? You have to buy a new bag (what a waste!) to get it all back home. Every kilo of additional weight a plane has to carry emits more horrible gases into the air we breath!
And then what happens two weeks later when it breaks? It ends up in the bin for a future of uselessly sitting in landfill for the next 1000+ years before it starts to bio-degrade!

Backpackers think they’re really daring!

Backpackers think they’re really daring (and if you’re a backpacker don’t try and deny it!).  Backpacker’s like to go to offbeat places (when I say offbeat I mean not a resort and at least slightly dirty), they like to get tattoos (a fond memory of their trip), they like to drink mental amounts of cheap and possibly moonshine alcohol and they like to challenge the food poisoning gods by eating street food.

Backpacker’s are not afraid of the risk of food poisoning. In fact most of their meals are spent standing up next to a bicycle selling deep fried crickets or sitting on small stools at street side noodle stalls.

Backpacker’s don’t need fancy restaurants with fancy lighting that use way more light bulbs then necessary, backpackers don’t need fancy large paper napkins that end up in the bin, hell, backpackers don’t even need air conditioning!

By eating street food, supporting local vendors who more often than not source their ingredients locally (minimising transport emissions) and shunning restaurants for an almost electricity free outdoor dining experience backpackers in fact have a reduced travel carbon footprint!

So while backpackers may not have the budget to stay at Eco friendly accommodation the general nature in which backpackers travel make them the most Eco friendly travellers!

In what other ways do you think backpackers are the most Eco friendly travellers?

Top Uganda Spots for Primate Encounters

kibale chimpanzee tracking

Uganda is a magnet for primate enthusiasts. Located in the Eastern part of Africa, this prime destination is among the top countries with the highest numbers of primate species in Africa. Its lush habitats include tropical rain forests, montane forests and bamboo forests are one of the reasons for the wide range of primates.

Some of these species are chimpanzees, Golden monkeys, Red-tailed monkeys, black and white Colobus monkeys, baboons, Vervet, blue monkeys to name but a few. Listed below are some of the places to go for primate encounters while on a safari in Uganda;

Kibale Forest National Park

There are other places that inhabit primates in Uganda, but Kibale Forest National Park is referred to as the country’s primate capital. Located in Western Uganda, this Park covers a total area of 560 square kilometers and was declared as a National Park in 1993. The biggest area of Kibale is occupied by the moist evergreen, Savannah grasslands, and semi-deciduous forests.

With its blend of evergreen trees and deciduous around Kanyanchu, Kibale’s vegetation rises up to 55m establishing a semi-closed canopy that protects more than 13 different species of primates. Moreover, Kibale Forest National Park is ranked to harbor the greatest concentration of primates in East Africa. Some of these are Chimpanzees, grey-cheeked Mangabey, Black and White Colobus, Blue monkeys, and Red-tailed monkeys.

The current population in this protected area is approximated to 1000 individuals and part is habituated for tourism in the Kanyanchu area. Actually, chimpanzee tracking is the main reason for most trips arranged to this Park in western Uganda.

Other than primates, this park plays host to over 325 bird species including forest and water birds. This makes it a perfect getaway for those who seek a mix of primate watching and birding. Some of the birds common in Kibale include green breasted pitta, white-bellied crested flycatchers, woodland warbler, and orange tufted sunbird.

Budongo Forest Reserve

Seated atop the Albertine Rift part of the Great Rift Valley, Budongo is simply described as a medium-altitude, semi-deciduous, and moist tropical rain forest. It is part of the Murchison Falls conservation area and covers a total area of 825 square kilometers of which 430 square kilometers is a continuous forest.

This forest was under strict protection by the King of Bunyoro until it was gazetted as a reserve in 1932. Budongo forest is currently one of the protected areas in Uganda that boast rich biodiversity that consists of nine primate species including chimpanzees, 280 butterflies, and 24 species of small mammals.

About 600 individuals of Chimpanzee primates call Budongo home although a small community is habituated for tracking excursions. The community for tracking is composed of 80 individuals and is common most of the days except in the dry season when they tend to move into the forest in search of food.

Other primates that breathe life in the Budongo forest are red-tailed monkeys, blue monkeys, Black and white colobus, grey checked mangabeys, and olive baboons.

Adding to primates, the reserve boasts over 360 birds and 465 plant species including the Mahogany trees that can grow up to 80 meters. Some of the common birds in this protected area are chestnut crowned Eremomera, Dusky long-tailed cuckoo, Black-headed paradise flycatcher and chocolate-backed kingfisher.

Kalinzu Wildlife Reserve

With its large communities of Chimpanzee primates, Kalinzu forest is ranked to be the second-best place to meet with Chimps if not Kibale Forest National Park. It is a great stopover for those who are heading to Queen Elizabeth National Park. You can as well connect to Kalinzu from Queen and the drive takes about 40 minutes.

Over 320 chimps are recorded in the reserve, but only 50 are habituated and fully approved for tracking. The session usually takes about 3-4 hours and includes walks through steep slopes and valleys, therefore physical fitness is highly required. There are two sessions on offer (morning and afternoon sessions).

The morning session starts at 8:00 am and the afternoon session starts at 3:00 pm. Sometimes these chimps are not welcoming to strangers, that’s why a ranger guide is assigned to lead the group of trackers. During the tracking, you are also exposed to other primates and various species of birds.

Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary

Established to provide a home to the rescued and orphaned chimpanzees, Ngamba is a paradise for primate lovers. It is located on an island that is part of the Koome group of Islands.

Ngamba Chimp Sanctuary covers a large part that consists of tropical rainforests, grasslands, and swamps. Since it is located on an island, you can only get there by boat or plane. This notable locality treats visitors with a number of captivating activities such as chimpanzee feeding, caregiving, and bird watching.

Kyambura gorge

With its inviting scenery, the Kyambura gorge is amongst the best places to see Chimpanzees in Uganda. It is home to a plethora of primate species although most travelers visit this area for Chimps. Kyambura gorge is part of Queen and a stunning spot that is rarely anywhere else in Uganda.

It was established mainly to act as a buffer zone for animals that come to the gorge for water in the dry season. Chimpanzees in this area tend to hide and a deep walk into the forest reveals more of other wildlife species that inhabit the gorge. Some of these species are birds, primates like baboons, vervet, blue monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, and more.

5 Quick Tips to Get the Best out of a Gorilla Trek

Bwindi Forest Gorilla

Mountain gorillas are one of the most interesting primates to watch in their natural habitats as you interact with them by observing them do their social antics, learn about them and also enjoy and take pictures of them. With their unique social antics that are almost similar to human beings, it is why gorilla trekking has become so popular in the world as people come to Uganda or Rwanda to meet their closest cousins in the animal kingdom. There are only three countries where you can encounter the mountain gorillas that is Uganda, Rwanda, and Congo but Uganda and Rwanda bring out the best gorilla trek experience as each differs from the other as for Uganda it is more adventurous and explorative and for Rwanda, it gives ease to trek the gorillas.  However, like any other wildlife safari you have to prepare to get the best out of the gorilla trekking safari in Uganda and Rwanda;

  1. Dress up clothes that cover your body properly

Put in mind that during gorilla trekking you walk through the bush and forested jungles of Bwindi national park or volcanoes national park where you encounter thorns, nettles, protruding branches on the walking trails, insects, and pesky that can cause skin damages. You have to put on headgears, long pants, carry gloves, jackets, and sweaters, and also ornaments for insect bites.

2. Prepare your body and mental for the trek

Gorilla trekking takes a lot of time as you hike the forested jungles searching for the gorillas and this normally takes 2-8 hours. It is really a very physical and challenging activity. So you have to be fit and also have the good mental strength that you can walk for long distances and hours. However, when you reach the gorillas, you can never think of the distance you have come because the moment with the gorilla is very tremendous.

3. Carry all the essential tools

There are important things, the gorilla tracker is supposed to have like sunscreens, a waterproof bag, a camera, walking sticks, and drinking water, and some edibles and insect repellents. This equipment is of serious help while in the jungle trekking the gorillas.

4. Get the ideal time to trek the gorilla

In Uganda and Rwanda, there are two weather seasons i.e. dry and wet seasons throughout the year. Gorilla trekking is carried out in both seasons. However, there are people who find it hard to trek the gorillas in the wet season as it is very challenging as the trails are slippery and there is a lot of mist and frost in the forest. So it is better to choose a dry season where the forest is crystal clear and the trails are in fine form.

5. Make your trip well organized

Making an expedition is very exciting and yields joy but when in an organized matter. To do the latter, look for a tour company in Uganda or Rwanda to make a very organized itinerary of your gorilla safari so that there are no inconveniences like time delays, losing your bearing, and also losing your bearings.

Uganda or Rwanda gorilla safaris are one of the most amazing safari trips in the world as you come close to nature through man’s closest cousins “the gorillas”.

Go Green Ireland

Go Green Ireland

Ireland is a country of contrasts- it has both brains and beauty. Of course, it is well known for its green landscapes and beautiful villages, where life remains much as it did hundreds of years ago- but there are cities like Dublin and Cork that can compete with major cities of the world.

The locals are friendly in Ireland, and most are well-read and talkative- they’ll be happy to discuss almost anything over a pint. Ireland has a rich art history, but the outdoors is what most people come for- the country has many ruins and almost prehistoric monuments (think of the tombs in the Boyne Valley). It does rain quite a bit in Ireland, but you can duck out of the inclement weather into any one of a number of old fashioned little pubs. Who knows, you may happen upon a sort of impromptu fiddlers and dancers jam session. At the very least, you’ll leave with a few pints of ale and a great chat.

Dublin is Ireland’s capital, and it is the envy of most of Europe. The city of today is full of shops, pubs, and enough fast paced nightlife to satisfy almost anyone. Its culture is storied and wonderful, and although its economy, like so many others, has taken a hit, Ireland is a country that looks only to the future.

Stop by the Guinness Brewery for a tour and taste of the famous brew. Dublin’s Heuston station is conveniently located just five minutes from the Brewery. This is ideal, since you won’t want to drive after your visit. From here, reach all points south and west of the city, including more cities of green, myth and glass.

Get to Gal-way, birthplace of the Claddagh ring, in less than three hours. Waterford, home to the world-famous crystal factory is clearly in your sights in just over two hours. Near Cork, you can’t go home without kissing the Blarney Stone at the castle of the same name. With a little maneuvering (you’ll need to lean out of the castle wall and scale down a bit), the myth goes that upon planting a wet one, you’ll be blessed with a magical eloquence. Whether a bunch of blarney, well, that’s up to you.
Back on the train, peer out your window in search of rainbows and fields of shamrocks. And realize that all of Ireland is a traveler’s pot of gold.

It doesn’t matter if you like to hike through the countryside or shop in a bustling marketplace- Ireland will provide you with the vacation of a lifetime.

Visit the Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is often thought to be one of the most amazing places in the world. It is very beautiful and is difficult to describe to anyone who has not actually visited it themselves. It is a large chasm which has been carved out in the rocks by a river and the site of it can make you feel very small and insignificant. It is a peaceful place which can make a relaxing holiday.

There are different ways that you can enjoy the Grand Canyon during your visit. You can just sit by the edge and enjoy its beauty and many people enjoy taking photographs of it. However, if you walk along one of the trails you can see it from different angles and closer up, which can be fun. Sunset or Sunrise there can also be a breathtaking experience.

There is a lot of wildlife in the area as well and this can be part of the fun. Although you should not approach them, you can often photograph them from the safety of your car. It is worth bearing in mind that it is illegal to feed the wild animals and if you have a dog, you will have to keep it on a leash.

There are lots of activities that you can get involved in while staying in the area. Some people choose to take a mule trip and go down inside the canyon. Others prefer to fly over in a helicopter or plane. Others choose to ride a bike or walk along the trails. There are often ranger led walks available to do which can be safe, informative and fun. You can also take a train ride, taking a look at the local area or some choose to take a trip along the Colorado River. There are camping sites at the bottom of the Canyon, for those who want to get right inside.

There are often attractions for visitors in the summer months such as theatrical productions or art exhibitions. The Kolb Studio is free to enter and is open all of the time and has art exhibits. There is also the Tusayan Museum which opens all year as well. In September there is the Grand Canyon Chamber Music Festival. The visitors’ centres are open a lot of the time, although it does depend on the location and time of the year.

The Grand Canyon is a popular tourism attraction but there are quiet areas where you can relax and enjoy the views without being disturbed by other visitors. It is also very close to the town of Sedona, which is an interesting attraction. It is surrounded by red rocks, many of which are formed in to interesting shapes and there are vortexes and a whole mystical feeling in the area. You can get there by car, helicopter or plane and discover why this is such a very memorable and outstanding place for all the family.

Budget Gorilla Treks in Rwanda

Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda

Are you planning for your budget gorilla tours in Rwanda the land of thousand hills and thinking of mountain gorillas? We are here to help you to have a very affordable tour in this country even though the Rwanda Development Board has increased the gorilla permit from US$750 to US$1500 per person. We help our travelers to either go on wildlife tours in Akagera National Park with chimpanzee trekking in the Nyungwe Forest National Park and also if you travel during low season in November every year we can secure for you a discounted gorilla permit, and for those coming before in Rwanda for conference and seminars we can to acquire for you a discounted permit.

This safari trip takes you to Nyungwe National Park a primate capital in Rwanda located south west of Kigali to trek the cheerful chimpanzees and then we move to the most two attractive parks in Democratic Republic of Congo in Virunga National Park and Kahuzi Biega National Park for mountain and Eastern lowland gorilla experience and climbing mount Nyiragongo.

On arrival in Kigali, you are met and then drive south to Nyungwe Forest. The drive can take around 6-7 hours on roads that vary in quality. Traditional villages and rolling hills form the backdrop of this drive and as you enter Nyungwe Forest, the scenery changes again as you enter what many consider to be one of the most beautiful forests in the country and the largest single tract of montane forest remaining anywhere in East or Central Africa.

With over 13 different species of primates found here, including L’Hoest’s monkey and vervet monkey, it is still the chimpanzees who take the starring role. The birding here is also beautiful, with over 300 species and 26 endemics, along with 120 species of butterfly and the occasional, ever-changing chameleon hiding in the bushes. The forest is also home to Rwenzori Colobus monkeys including a four hundred-strong semi-habituated group thought to be the largest troop of arboreal primates in Africa.

Head out today to search for Rwanda’s other famous cousins, the chimpanzee, in the beautiful Nyungwe forest. After a short briefing from your guide on how to behave when you’re with the chimps, walk through stunning tea plantations, before entering the forest. Nyungwe itself is considered to be one of the most beautiful parks in Rwanda and whilst lying at a lower altitude, it can be very steep and challenging in places.

With an estimated 500 chimpanzees in the forest, the chances of seeing them is 95% and you will hear them shout before you see them, but trekking can take anything from one to four hours. The on-going habituation process gives you a good chance of seeing them but nothing is guaranteed. If you are lucky enough to find them, you will spend one hour watching them play, fight and eat in the atmospheric forest, before retracing your steps back to the lodge.

We then drive from Nyungwe Forest National Park we can to drive towards the Volcanoes National Park via the Gisenyi Lake Kivu and you can relax at the shores of this Lake staying at Discover Guest House and you can enjoy the Dancing Pots of the local communities of Rwanda and after transfer to Volcanoes and here if you cannot afford the $ 1500 USD per person please you can experience the golden monkey tracking, Hike mount Visoke & Karisimbi, Dian Fossey trek, Iby’wacu cultural village and after back to Kigali for your city tour visiting  the Kigali genocide memorials and craft shops like Caplaki shopping villages marking the end of your safari in Rwanda.

Exploring Akagera National Park

Akagera Wildlife

This is also another protected montane rain forest in central Africa covering an area of around 970 km² of rain forest, bamboo, grassland, swamps, and bogs.  It is located in the south western part of Rwanda near the edge of Burundi to the south and the Lake Kivu and the democratic republic of Congo to the west.

It is just a drive of about 5-7 hours up to the park from Kigali Rwanda’s capital and its largest city. It was recognized as a park in 2004 and it is one of the best places to enjoy safaris in Rwanda. The park is considered one of the most visited of Rwanda’s national parks due to the fact that it houses a wide biodiversity of animal species, it is a home to over 13 species of primates coupled with chimpanzee the most close relative of man sharing almost 98% of human DNA, other primate species include the black and white colobus monkey, baboons, civet6 monkey, red tailed monkey, olive baboon, golden monkey the list is endless.

Nyungwe forest national park is also a home to various species of birds over 275 species, over 1068 plant species like the Tall old mahoganies, ebonies and giant tree ferns tower and about 85 mammal species, 32 amphibian and 38 reptile species and butterflies. A number of these animals are restricted-range species that are only found in the Albertine Rift Montane forests ecoregion in Africa. Over 40% of visitors who make it Rwanda visit Nyungwe forest national park.

Activities done in Nyungwe forest national park

Primate Safari:

Most of the visitors to the park go primate tracking since the park is a home to over 13 species of primates; the most to be tracked are the chimpanzee. Tracking starts very early in the morning after receiving a short briefing about chimp tracking after, follow the ranger guide to the forest to begin the activity possibly the most fascinating activity at the park.

Tracking time is unpredictable as it can go from 3-8 hours so a reasonable degree of fitness is needed, as well as tracking gears like strong shoes and boots long sleeved shirts and blouses, bottled water and sometimes parked lunch depending on the lodge. Ounce chimps are met you strictly allowed to stay with them for only one hour observing their behaviors as well as taking photos. Sightings aren’t as reliable or as clear as gorillas however, since they often remain in dense forest. Enjoy watching them doing their daily activities like feeding, playing, making nest, mothers feeding young ones among others.

In the course of tracking chimps other primates like the black and white colobus monkeys, baboons, civert monkeys, golden monkeys among others will also be seen. Chimp tracking is done in a group of eight members per group with an armed ranger guide to protect your movements while in the forest, and to be considered one of the eight members to track chimps you must possess a chimp permit. Always pay in time in order to book your permit in advance, chimp permits are at a fee of 70USD per person per tracking.

Forest Walk

This also regarded as a fascinating activity at the park, exploring the park on foot is so rewarding, while on the walk you will be in position to meet very many forest dwellers in a close range like various species of birds, primate species bird species and tree species. The forest walks lasts from one to eight hours in the jungle. You can take a canopy walk one of its kinds not only in the east but also in the central Africa with spectacular views across Nyungwe forest. This is the shortest trail (Igishigishingi trail). While the 6 hour Bigugu Trail leads you to the highest mountain in the Park at 2950m.

Bird Watching

Nyungwe forest national park is so rewarding most especially to bird lovers as the park hosts over 275 species of birds some of which are really seen in other parks. Giant hornbills, great blue Turacos and red-breasted sparrow hawks are amongst the birds rarely seen and some of these birds are endemic to this section of the Albertine Rift Valley. Bird watching in Nyungwe needs a kin watcher since it’s a tropical forest sometimes it’s hard to see some of the birds. However the park is gifted with experienced guides good at sighting different species of birds.

Community Walk:

Community walk can be arranged to meet the neighboring people around the part, they will entertain you through their cultural music and dance, explain to you how they have managed to leave in the area, teach you their farming skills among other, if interested purchase their locally produced items.

Why Go on a Gorilla Safari in Uganda

Gorilla in Bwindi

Not only for rich, gorilla trekking is for everybody willing to look into the eyes of Mountain Gorillas. Some people save for year, month while others utilize their Penson funds to make ends meet. Gorilla trekking is believed to be a life time even and indeed it is.

In Uganda, gorilla trekking takes place in Mgahinga Gorilla National park and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Guests do decide to go gorilla trekking in Uganda to fulfill the following objectives:

To discover the rare primates – Mountain Gorilla specie is among the world’s rarest primates. Its known that Mountain Gorillas are only found in Uganda and the Virunga region of Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

To save money – A Uganda gorilla safari is money saving compared to Rwanda. The Gorilla permit in Uganda is currently costing US$700 while that of Rwanda at US$1500.  Taking Uganda Gorilla safari enable you save US$800 which you would have spent in Rwanda.

Secured Gorilla trekking – Uganda has two Gorilla parks with five trekking centres. Buhoma sector in northern Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Rushaga, Ruhija and Nkuringo sectors in the southern region of Bwindi. The five Gorilla trekking centres give the guest assurance on gorilla trekking. The fact that Gorilla trekking permits are on high demand throughout the year thus advance booking is recommended.

To save time – You can access Uganda’s Mountain Gorillas from Entebbe International Park or Kigali International Park. You can reach by road or fly from Entebbe to Kihihi Airport or Kisoro Airport. Guests on tight schedule are advised to book Uganda Gorilla safari. Among the shortest Gorilla trips in Uganda include: 1-day Uganda trip from Kigali OR 2 days Uganda Gorilla trek.

To utilize other tourist attractions – Uganda is a basket of wanders! Ranging from beautiful relief to amazing drainage system. Guests decide to book Gorilla safari in order to supplement other tourist activities like Chimpanzees trekking, Golden monkey trekking, Game drives, Mountaineering, cultural activities among others.

To Socialize with Ugandans – making friends is part of life and discoursing new friendship is very important. Ugandans are friendly and welcomes visitors. You can even decide to spend some nights in the home of Ugandans to learn more about culture, religion and daily activities.

To discover the pearl of Africa – You can only explore Uganda while on Uganda safari. In his book “My African Journey” published in 1908, Winston Churchill an early explorer commonly referred to Uganda as the “Pearl of Africa”, with regards to a Safari to Uganda which he took in 1907. Its better to walk in the footsteps of Winston Churchill by engaging Uganda tour.

To see other primates – Uganda is a basket of many primates like Golden monkeys in Mgahinga National Park, Chimpanzees in Kibale National Park, Baboons in Ishasha sector, Colobus monkeys and so on. Supplementing Gorilla trekking with other primates is fascinating.

To get unique experience – Uganda is known for hosting rare mountain gorillas and travelers do book Uganda safaris to share unique experience of Gorilla trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga National Park.

In Conclusion, Gorilla trekking is the top tourist activity in Uganda but when supplemented with other activities like chimpanzee trekking, Game drives, boat trips, birding, Mountaineering and cultural tours among others, your trip will not only be a mere trip, but a life time trip.

Explore the Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Waterfalls

IGUASSU FALLS (Or Iguacu or Iguacu…depending on the country).

One of the world’s great natural wonders is located on the borders of Argentina and Brazil, near Paraguay. Travelers from the world over are attracted to the mammoth falls, which are 50 feet higher than Niagara.

Three waterfalls in the world surpass the rest: Niagara, Victoria, and Iguassu. While the argument as to which of the three is the most spectacular may never end, one thing is certain: Iguassu is unsurpassed. The tropical rain forest provides the ideal setting for the torrents of water that fall and crash with a thunderous noise onto the rocks below, sending spray shooting back into the air to make beautiful rainbows. The Rio Iguassu, a tributary of the Parana, widens to a distance of two miles just above the precipice over which the river drops almost 200 feet, to create Iguassu Falls. Since the lip of the precipice is uneven, the water doesn’t fall in one great curtain, but rather in dozens of cataracts, interspersed with jungle greenery. The most spectacular cataract is GARGANTA DO DIABO, or Devil’s Throat.

The falls were discovered by conquistador Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca in 1541. Its name comes from the Guarani Indian expression for “big water”.

THE ARGENTINE SIDE: A long system of concrete catwalks, built in 1965, winds along the edge of the Rio Parana and skirts the falls, providing a safe perch from which to view the giant cataracts tumbling at your feet. A two-hour walk will take you past all the falls visible on the Argentine side as well as through the tropical jungle. The cataract called Devil’s Throat is the most magnificent. There is also a ferry ride from PUERTO IGUAZU on the Argentine side to FOZ DO IGUACU on the Brazilian side.

THE BRAZILIAN SIDE: The best panoramic view of the falls is immediately in front of the Hotel das Cataratas in the national park. The well-manicured path and steps down to the falls start directly in front of the hotel. The steps lead to the very edge of the river, and at one point a catwalk goes right out over the river. WEAR A RAINCOAT OR RENT ONE FROM A VENDOR. The path continues to the head of the falls, where an elevator takes you to the top. From here, it is a short walk upstream to the small boats that will take you on the river for an even closer look.

While any time is a good time to go to Iguassu, the months of August to November are best because you can climb around the falls more easily. The Falls are served by two airports. The larger of the two is the International airport on the Brazilian side. The other airport is on the Argentine side.

In addition to taking RAIN GEAR, take along Suntan Lotion, and perhaps a bottle of water.

PARAGUAY: Most visitors to Iguassu take a little side trip to the border with Paraguay. It’s like any border town…full of vendors out to make a buck. Very colorful!

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