Amazon Lodge Explorers’ Inn


ExplorersInn.jpgThis well known Amazon rainforest eco-lodge and research station has been in operation for over 30 years. Located within the Tambopata Reserve, at Madre de Dios, in Peru it consists of seven candlelit palm-thatched bungalows and a central building that houses reception & dining room. Guests are provided a superb opportunity to learn about the Amazon rainforest in a warm and informal atmosphere. The lodge staff is made up of practicing biologists and environmentalists from around the globe and local guides.

There are 37km of well-marked trails from the lodge that allows for wonderful local sightseeing and exceptional birdwatching. There are some 600 species of birds and 1230 species of butterflies documented in the area.

Many group packages to choose from. From: Technorati


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