Guide to Visiting Rwanda Gorillas

Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda

Mountain gorillas are one of the most interesting animals to watch in their wildness. This is why an influx of tourists comes to Rwanda to trek these amazing animals. Mountain gorillas in Rwanda are found in the Virunga region at volcanoes national park.

These primates live in the ranges of the Virunga and that is where they find their lives comfortable.

So gorilla trekking is not as easy as watching any animals in a zoo. It is challenging but very adventurous to trek gorillas as you have to hike the ranges to reach their homes.  You move through the enchanting bamboo forests as you are also rewarded by seeing some other wildlife like tree ferns, different bird species, monkeys, the reptiles like chameleons, geckos and many more animals.

It is incredibly flawless when you meet these mountain gorillas. Many people think gorillas are vicious beasts but it turns out that they are peaceful herbivorous animals so you can have a safe interaction with them. These animals have similar behavioral characteristics as we human beings. The way they lead they lives is like that of humans that is how they take care of their young ones, the organization of their home as the silver back gorilla is given to much respect and it does protect the family tightly.

While taking the gorillas, you can take photos of the gorillas but you are supposed to put off the flash of the cameras because this affects the eyes of the gorillas of which might scare them and can also become violent. Gorillas are shy animals so one is supposed to keep a significant distance as instructed by the gorilla patron for you not to scare them.

A Rwanda gorilla trek is a life time achievement as you can meet on of man’s closest relatives. After this gorilla trekking you can have stories to tell and you can develop a good relationship with nature. As you will start appreciating and fall in love with it. It is an immerse wonder to watch these rare primates. Our company can make you have a great gorilla trekking experience through arranging and organizing your trip to the volcanoes national park.

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