Hello Kitty Appointed as Special Sustainable Tourism Ambassador

Hello Kitty

The United Nations designated the year 2017 “International Year of Sustainable Tourism Development” and World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) (Headquarters in Madrid; Secretary General Dr. Taleb Rifai) plays a leading role to promote it. UNWTO and Sanrio signed an agreement that appoints Hello Kitty as Special Ambassador of the International Year.

Sanrio’s best-known character, Hello Kitty will promote the Year’s campaign “Travel. Enjoy. Respect”.

“Travelling opens our minds and our hearts, and lets us see how we are equal.” said Hello Kitty in a video inviting people to “Travel. Enjoy. Respect.” recorded especially for the IY2017.

Hello Kitty will be supporting UNWTO with its advocacy efforts in communicating the messages of the IY2017 to the broadest extent possible, as well as highlighting the role of tourism in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a global audience.

The video already shown at the Nartia airport, Japan, will also be published on the website and social media channels of the International Year.

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